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Category Archives: ‘Unusual Suspects’

Statements and action on climate from unexpected sources — e.g. business, military, religious and conservative leaders.

Profile in Courage: Republican meteorologist Paul Douglas

Here’s veteran TV meteorologist Paul Douglas (“A Message from a Republican Meteorologist on Climate Change):

“I’m going to tell you something that my Republican friends are loath to admit out loud:  climate change is real.   I am a moderate Republican, fiscally conservative; a fan of small government, accountability, self-empowerment, and sound science. Continue reading

adler - jonathan

‘Eloquent, principled’ conservative tackles climate

A conservative specialist in environmental law—Professor Jonathan Adler of Case Western Reserve University—lays out a thoughtful conservative approach to tackling climate change in a recent post at The Atlantic magazine.


Climate hawk David Roberts (Grist) accurately describes Adler’s piece as “an eloquent, principled case for the simple notion that ’embrace of limited government principles need not entail the denial of environmental claims.'” Continue reading

“The Air Force, that’s who!”

Simply the best short videos on climate.  Ever.

That’s the only way to describe EOM’s “How to Talk to an Ostrich” series of short clips answering common skeptical  questions.   It’s a spin-off of the PBS series “Earth the Operators’ Manual,” starring Dr. Richard Alley Continue reading

Air Force: “Hug the Monster” by embracing fear.

“Sooner or later, everyone who learns about the rapid advance of manmade global warming must deal with the question of fear.”

Veteran climate reporter, ABC’s Bill Blakemore, has written an interesting piece on embracing fear (5/6/12) and using it to mobilize climate action.     In recent years, communication researchers  have warned that “fear is not enough,” and may even be Continue reading

Weather Channel: 21 of 25 top US corporations accept climate reality

In this 1-minute clip — from the Weather Channel’s excellent Earth Watch series — meteorologist Carl Parker takes on the conspiracy narrative, which views climate change science as a bizarre plot to topple capitalism.    Parker says

“There are problems with that narrative, and one is that major corporations, the core of our market-based economy, don’t agree.

Parker checked out the official positions of the 25-largest U.S. corporations and found, Continue reading

“If climate change isn’t real, I’ll give you my Beretta”

A veteran hunter has challenged skeptics with a bet in the sportsmen’s journal Field & Stream:

“If you can convince Conservation Hawks chairman Todd Tanner that he’s wasting his time, that he does not have to worry about climate change, he will present to you his most prized possession:   A Beretta Silver Pigeon 12 gauge Continue reading

Dr. Katharine Hayhoe — Evangelical Climate Scientist

[Update:  In light of the disgusting recent attacks directed at Dr. Hayhoe, and this terrific interview we are reposting her profile from last October.]

Yes, the headline has two possible meanings, and both fit.   Texas Tech Professor of Atmospheric Science Katharine Hayhoe is an evangelical Christian,* Continue reading

Climate Change Narratives:  
Climate debate among conservatives – Part II

Peter Wehner

Jonathan Tobin

Soon after Peter Wehren broke with conservative orthodoxy (A Thoughtful Conservative Perspective – Part I) by urging conservatives to accept the reality of climate change and move on to solutions, Commentary editor Jonathan Tobin issued a sharp rebuttal.

Tobin charges that environmentalists are responsible for conservative skepticism, provoked by “invective” spewed by “warming hysterics Continue reading

A thoughtful conservative perspective on climate – Part I

Here’s a refreshing voice.   Peter Wehner has impeccable conservative credentials, having served  under Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and most recently as deputy assistant to Pres. George W. Bush.  He resides at the “The Ethics & Public Policy Center,” a neo-con think tank.

After taking a long, hard look at the evidence, Wehner concluded that the scientific consensus on climate is correct.    He shares his conclusions in two interesting posts titled “Conservatives and Climate Change, Part I and Part II” in the neo-con magazine Commentary.

Wehner acknowledges of course the scientific uncertainties, Continue reading