People already have all the values in their heart they need to care
Source: YouTube video of Dr. Katharine Hayhoe’s Keynote address, June 22, 2015 at the Annual Washington DC Lobby Conference of Citizens’ Climate Lobby. Key quote around 46 minute mark.
Notes: Dr. Katharine Hayhoe’s talk was titled “Why facts are not enough.” The goal of her talk was to show that scientific facts do not persuade people about climate change. It is making a connection to shared values is what persuades people.
Dr. Hayhoe gives an example of this by sharing a personal story when she was invited to be a guest speaker to a local Texas Rotary Club meeting. She came prepared to talk about the science of climate change.
Minutes before she was scheduled to speak, Katharine noticed Rotary Club’s 4 Way Test posted on a banner in the front of the room:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Dr. Hayhoe then quickly changed her talk to reflect the Rotary Club’s 4 Way Test. The result was that Rotary Club members cornered her after her talk remarking, “You know this climate change thing. I was not really on board, but, man it’s the 4 way test! How can I say no?"
The Extended Quote by Dr. Hayhoe:
"Bonding is essential because…I believe that for every 999 out of a 1,000 people on this planet already have all the values they need to care about climate change in their heart. I really do. We just need to identify those values. Many of them faith based. Some them even place based. We need to identify those values and then its all downhill.
We are not pushing a boulder uphill. We are not trying to turn people into tree huggers. We have identified the value. We are already rolling downhill with them.
So what do we do once we have identified that value? Then we connect. Given our shared values, why do I care? Let me share with you, not from my head, from my heart why I care (about climate change)."
Image Source: Brian Ettling