Religious narratives often start with the premise that God created nature and its living things; we are its stewards. Surely, He didn't intend for us to destroy His Creation.
It's connected with religious values of moral justice, humility, and respect.
One of the best examples is A Climate for Change: Global Warming Facts for Faith-Based Decisions, by Karen Hayhoe, who is both a highly-respected climate scientist and an Evangelical Christian, and Andrew Farley, a minister. Uniquely, the authors not only explore the faith-based narrative, they offer a remarkably thorough and illuminating explanation of climate change, in clear language and calm respectful tone that makes it a model for communication with any general audience. The dedication reads, "For anybody who has ever wondered whether climate change is real," and it is, indeed, a must for every communcator's short-list library.
Another resource is Rev. Jim Ball's Global Warming and the Risen LORD: Christian Discipleship and Climate Change, via the Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN),
a ministry dedicated to the care of God's creation. EEN seeks to equip, inspire, disciple, and mobilize God's people in their effort to care for God's creation.
Founded in 1993, our ministry is grounded in the Bible's teaching on the responsibility of God's people to "tend the garden" through a faithful walk with our Lord Jesus Christ. Grounded in the scriptures, EEN publishes and develops material for churches, families, and individuals to use as they seek to know the Lord more fully, especially his care for all that he has made.
In 2006, Ball and 84 other evangelical leaders launched the Environmental Climate Initiative, reported in the New York Times and elsewhere.
Bill Moyers' PBS website, "On Faith & Reason," provides a brief history of the debate within the Evangelical community over environmental stewardship vs. dominion including links to key documents.
Also, see Interfaith Power and Light: a Religious Response to Global Warming, which has active chapters or affiliates in many states, such as Earth Ministry in Seattle.
Short quotes on religious stewardship from various, mostly Western, traditions, can be found at