"politicians don’t create political will, they respond to it."
Source: "Lobbying for the Greater Good," by David Borenstein, New York Times, May 29, 2013.
Extended Quote: by Citizens Climate Lobby Executive Director Mark Reynolds:
"It's always easier to take the cynical view of politics. But if you actually say, 'I'm a citizen. This is a citizen problem,' it gives you an entirely different world to deal with. We adamantly believe that politicians don't create political will, they respond to it."
Notes: Worried about climate change and unsure how to take action to reduce the consequences? Then join Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL).
Retired San Diego Businessman, Marshall Saunders, founded Citizens Climate Lobby in 2007. Their focus: empower citizens to be effective lobbyists by building positive relationships with their members of Congress and editorial page editors, and show them the best persuasive arguments about climate policies to win bipartisan support.
Currently, CCL builds political will for Congress to pass a revenue-neutral carbon fee and dividend. Economists across the political spectrum support this policy. It is now demonstrating environmental and economic benefits in Canada's British Columbia and Ireland.
Right now, CCL has over 90 groups in the US and Canada. The groups meet the first Saturday of each month. During this conference call, they hear from top climate and communcation experts, shares success stories, write their Congressional Representative, and practice together communicating effectively about the carbon fee and dividend.
In 2012, With a staff of 9 and about 700 active volunteers, CCL had 534 meetings with members or staff of Congress or the Canadian Parliament; met with 24 newspaper editorial boards; published 537 letters to the editor; and directly prompted 174 editorials, op-eds or articles, to promote this policy. This year, CCL will double or triple its outreach.
CCL recently inspired me write to an oped in the St. Louis Post Dispatch on April 19th.
Leading climate scientist, Dr. James Hansen: "If you want to join the fight to save the planet, to save creation for your grandchildren, there is no more effective step you could take than becoming an active member of this group."
To locate a CCL group near you: http://citizensclimatelobby.org/meeting-locations
Image Source: https://www.facebook.com/CitizensClimateLobby