Think Globally, Act Daily
Notes: The late film critic, Gene Siskel, of Siskel & Ebert, used to end every interview with movie actors and directors with the question, "What do you know for sure?" This was a chance for guests to tell Gene something insightful, besides just promoting their latest movie.
Oprah Winfrey was impressed with this question when Gene Siskel posed it to her at the end of their interview that she ends every Oprah Magazine with an essay "What I know for sure" on the back page.
Great question for you also: 'What do you know for sure?' What is your own personal mantra?
My mentor, the late Everglades Ranger and musician, Steve Robinson used to say that "Every person alive is a unique as an individual snowflake: No two are alike and each person has an important contribution to make."
This is what I know for sure: We must take whatever actions neccessary to reduce the threat of climate change. I want to remembered as a climate change communicator.
These are my two personally created mantras:
1. Think Globally, Act Daily
2. Each and every person can change the world. We do this by
a. the way we vote.
b. the products we buy.
c. the attitudes we share with each other.
So again, I ask you: What do you know for sure?
Image Source: Brian Ettling
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