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Category Archives: Climate Communication Narratives

Big Tobacco, Big Oil

Tobacco executives testifying

Oil executives testifying








My gracious host during the AGU in San Francisco was a veteran of the tobacco wars, so we had some interesting chats. Many people consider the tobacco battle won, but it’s actually just shifted to new fronts.

There are many lessons to be learned from the fifty-year battle with Big Tobacco, Continue reading

Drought & Deluge: It’s the water, Stupid!

Note to self:    When discussing climate, forget about far-off predictions.   Focus on what’s already arrived:    extreme downpours and drought.   Record-breaking droughts are making dry places dryer, with wildfires following right behind.   Meanwhile, record-breaking rains are making the wet places wetter, causing flooding.    Among the first victims:   Continue reading

Gavin Schmidt — Juggling climate communications

Here’s NASA’s Dr. Gavin Schmidt in “The Secret Life of Scientists” (NOVA) revealing how he started juggling in high school to impress girls. . .  and how that worked out.     The other clips on his PBS/NOVA page are a bit more serious, but equally impressive as models of effective communication:   Continue reading

Numbers numb, jargon jars. Tell a Story!

If scientists taught preschool.

“Even if you have reams of evidence on your side, remember:  numbers numb, jargon jars, and nobody ever marched on Washington because of a pie chart.   If you want to connect with your audience, tell a story.”

“While we will always need hard facts to make our cases, we often fail to realize that the battle for hearts and minds starts with the hearts.”

That’s storytelling guru Andy Goodman, in his Continue reading