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ClimateBites offers metaphors, soundbites, quotes, humor, cartoons, stories and graphics for everybody who talks about climate change and wants their message to stick.

Climate Communication Graphics, Climate Change Metaphors:  
The real doping scandal: Weather on steroids.

Is the increase in extreme weather due to climate change?    This little clip from the National Center from Atmospheric Research (NCAR) provides the clearest — and most entertaining — answer we’ve seen.

For cutting-edge science exploring the links between extreme weather and climate , check out Doping the Atmosphere, and Extreme Weather Forensics.   For a “bite sized” version of the steroids metaphor, see  “Putting the atmosphere on steroids.”

6 thoughts on “Climate Communication Graphics, Climate Change Metaphors:  
The real doping scandal: Weather on steroids.

  1. GaryB

    But what does this have to do with the Superbowl?

    I’ve always appreciated the use of ball throwing imagery when speaking of AGW. I had to explain to my grandkid how CO2 could modify the energy balance and I used the image of thrown baseballs as bits of heat with a pitcher as the lower troposphere and a fielder as lower/upper troposphere.

    He now understands better than most denialists.

    1. Tom Smerling Post author

      Gary thanks for taking the time to comment. Yeah, we sure need some good football metaphors, for fall-winter.

      But your baseball pitcher/hitter metaphor sounds interesting and original. Could you please expand it a bit? Might be a candidate for our metaphor collection (top menu).

      (You can just reply here, or if you prefer drop us a “suggestion card” from the Forum.)

      1. GaryB

        I’ll try to remember what I told the kid and write it down so I can send it to you. Just be aware that my words don’t make as much sense when put to paper as when floating around in my head.

  2. Brian Ettling

    Amazing video. I really loved this explanation. I also liked how he mentioned that record low temperatures and snow will not go away with climate change. As a baseball fan, I tip my cap to you for posting this video.

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